Monday, 31 December 2012

Cecaelia Doodle

Here's a lovely squid lady, also known as a Cecaelia.
Huzzah for fantastical, deep-sea, fantasy creatures!

Stay Fabulous!

Saturday, 29 December 2012

Fabulous Fairy

I did a doodle!
It's a fairy.
She's fabulous and says hello.

Stay Fabulous,

Friday, 28 December 2012

Nocturnal like a Bat

I often work at night, and have spent many a late night working on art, sketching or trying to write down ideas before I forget them. I'm certain I'm not alone in this. I've heard many writers, artists, musicians and designers alike note how their best ideas come at night, or how they seem to get a second wind at the strike of midnight the drives them to continue working on their art until their eyes refuse to stay open. This drive to create is present in many of us, and sometimes I feel like a bat because of it.

Except then I have to function during the day as well, which is not always the most fun.
So I doodled out this illustration of a bat, in ode to all my fellow late night creators.

Tell me about your late night art adventures in the comments below!

Stay Fabulous,

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

An Evening in Downtown Ottawa

The parliament buildings are gorgeous when they are all lit up during the winter holidays. The trees allover the downtown area are covered in multi-coloured strings of  lights. It's definitely worth the journey into the cold to see the lights. If you do get cold a visit to the Centennial Flame might help warm your hands.

Stay Fabulous!

Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Merry Holiday Day!

Or Give-people-you-like-fun-things-Day
Or Just another day of the winter Day.
Or 4-Days after Solstice Day.
Or Eat-all-of-the-hot-chocolate-and-pie Day
Or Christmas if that's what you prefer.
What ever it is you are celebrating this season, I hope it's lovely and filled with warmth!

Here's a picture of some fuzzy lights:
It was an accident, but it is kind of pretty, yes?   




Tomorrow is 3md's and the Arcane's Show at the Rainbow Bistro, Come on out if you are in the Ottawa Area!

Stay Fabulous,

Friday, 21 December 2012

Mini Portfolio of Process Work!

Have you ever wondered what goes into designing a product? Well now you can find out! I'm sorry. That sounded like an infomercial.
But really you should go check it out.

Woah! I have a new website!
Okay, well it's not really a website, so much as a mini portfolio. I used Wix to make it, which is always lots of fun to work with. The portfolio aims to describe my method of working on a project, from the very first step (research) to the final product features (including how I build the look-alike model).

Of course this is not the one and only way to design, each person has their own preferred methods, and even mine adapt to the project I'm working on. I alway find the most challenging part is finding the right direction to put your project in. It has to be logical and practical enough that the project will be successful, yet entertaining and fun enough to satisfy the client (and also keep me entertained). However, that challenge is part of what makes design so fun! 

Visit my portfolio here:

How do you get you self going on projects (DIY, Design, academic or otherwise)? Let me know in the comments!

Stay Fabulous,

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Winter Musical Events!

Hello All!

I hope you are enjoying the snow! If it is snowing where you are; here in Ottawa it is snowing non-stop. While I'm not a fan of the cold, I have to admit it's a nice change from the rain and ice. 
However, apparently the weather forecast is calling for a massive storm on Friday. Which is not so fun, especially since Friday is supposed to be the apocalypse or something like that. However if you do happen to survive the end of the world, I have some fantastic events for you to go to!

First off is the post-apocalypse rock show at BassLine Rocks: Pub and Eatery. I've recently been informed that "3MD" will also be joined by "The Missing Link". Then, on Boxing Day, 3MD and "The Arcanes" will be playing at the cozy blues bar: "The Rainbow Bistro." For more details check out the links under the posters.

It's going to be a lot of fun; if you are in the Ottawa area this December you should most definitely come and check it out!

What are your plans for the winter? Let me know in the comments!

Have a safe and happy Winter Solstice!
Stay Fabulous,

Saturday, 24 November 2012

Vintage Purses

This should e the last post on the Ottawa Vintage show that I make. There were so many amazing pieces at the show that I wish I could show you all of them.
I can't wait until next years show.

Stay Fabulous,

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Hats and Fur Galore

Feathers everywhere! Feathered and furry hats were very popular.

A wall of vintage Chanel.

Beaded and sequin clothing were also very popular. I love the way they glittered.

Fox Fur. Gorgeous or creepy? I'll let you decide.

More vintage clothing after the break!

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Jewels, Trinkets and Lace

The Vintage show was a lot of fun, there were plenty of lovely accessories and jewellery. More Photos to come!

Stay Fabulous,

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Late Sunday Night

The Rainbow Bistro is a cozy blues bar that hosts many local bands.
The view from the Rainbow is quite pretty at night.

Some merch featuring my artwork for the band 3MD.

This past Sunday I went to the Rainbow Bistro and had a rockin' night listening to live music. The bands playing included Joey Langlois and 3MD.
More pictures of the show after the break.

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Halloween Costume

Thanks to Charlotte for this picture!

The christmas season might be approaching but I'm still in halloween mode! I still feel like Halloween was just last week, and so in honor of that here are some pictures from my costume. I was a Gentern from the movie Repo the Genetic Opera. (Essentially, I was an evil, organ stealing nurse.) I really recommend the movie if you love campy horror films and musicals (...if you've never seen the movie).

I made the mask out of an old binder, and the dress from scratch. The heart i found at a dollar store.
Before and after photos after the break!

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Happy Halloween!

CAD Jack-o-lantern!

Computer Application Halloween Lab

 A quick fun project I did for a CAD class at school. I know Halloween was yesterday, but expect my next few posts to be halloween themed anyways!

Stay Fabulous,

Saturday, 27 October 2012

Cat Lady

Some quick digital illustrations I did using a doodle from my notes.
Original doodle after the break.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

You can now follow me on BlogLovin'


Easy as ABC

This week in studio, our assignment was a short creative project: We had one day (6 hours) to go out into the world to find objects in sturctures and in nature that resmbled letters. We then had to create an alphabet of letters and spell out words with them. See more examples after the break!

Monday, 22 October 2012

Thrilled for Monday!

Monday mornings in studio after a long night of prototyping and essay writing...
I swear we normally look happier than this, this photo was just taken at a precise moment between smiles. Or something. Actually I am quite pleased to be almost done my essay!

Here's a song about tea to cheer you up this lovely Monday:
Cup of Brown Joy- Professor Elemental

Stay Fabulous, (and awake)

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Glebe Fine Art Show

Event: Tricia Flohr at the Glebe Fine Art Show!

This Post is loooong over due. A few weekends ago I volunteered at the Glebe Fine Art Show with a few other students- we helped advertise for the show and direct visitors. I've been volunteering with this annual show for the last few years, organizing volunteers and supervising the student art booth. We got to display some of our work. These are some of the works I showed, but I also had fascinators and jewelry for sale. I apologize for the low quality photos, I took them with my phone (which is rather old, I'm amazed it even has a camera!)
Hopefully I can participate in more local art shows in the future!

Stay Fabulous,

Wednesday, 17 October 2012


"GPS satellites are so accurate, that they could send a beam through that window and see what you are typing on your computer."

"That must be why we have no windows in our studio, top secret projects!"

Tuesday, 16 October 2012


"Have you been here all night?"


And in ode to that here's a song called "Sleepless" by Jessica Lea Mayfield

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Posters Galore and Upcoming Events in Ottawa!


Recently I've been working on posters and artwork for local Ottawa bands. These are a few posters I've done for some upcoming shows for 3MD (3 Musicians and a Drummer). If you're in the Ottawa area during November, you should come check them out. They always put on a great show!

Stay fabulous!

Wednesday, 10 October 2012


"When Life Gives you butter, you make shortbread cookies,"

- Eric Liu

Style Post: Trees and rocks and trees and rocks and water.

Skinny Jeans from Stitches
Mesh sweater from Garage
Green Tank from Streetwear Society
Leather Belt - Thrifted
Lace Scarf of Unknown Origins
Beaded Bracelet - Thrifted
DIY Necklace and Bangle
Leather Boots - Thrifted

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Cool Tunes and a Tablet!

My tablet finally came in the mail!
So here's a really unflattering picture of me with it:

And I feel like sharing some awesome music with you so here's Mikhael Paskalev - I Spy.

A work in progress.

 ...sometimes things work like a charm and others work like they were made by someone who had no sleep.