Friday, 26 September 2014

From Buckets to Rain Barrels


I'm participating in a project with Carleton University School of Design, we're going to Tanzania to collaborate with the community in Longido and solve issues surrounding water collection, agriculture, and waste disposal.
The challenging climate of the Longido District in Tanzania contributes to a chronic water shortage. Longido District lies just north of Arusha and west of the slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro, in the heart of the Maasai culture. This region has a dry savanna climate. The district experiences extended periods of severe drought alternating with heavy seasonal rains that cause excessive flooding. Villagers have almost no means to capture and divert rainwater for community use, resulting in a chronic water shortage. Because of this water shortage, there is very little production of food crops in the immediate region, resulting in high levels of food insecurity. 

The issues aren't just limited to water collection. Many issues exist surrounding other topics such as building materials and indoor lighting. I'm currently doing a lot of research into children's play spaces, community spaces and education, as well as agriculture with the use of reclaimed water.

The goal is to design something through co-creation that fits the specific needs of the community and can be built & maintained by the people living in Longido. We'll be working closely with the people in the village to assist with projects and participate in an exchange of knowledge and design practices.

We need to raise money to help fund the project and we'd really appreciate any help!

You can donate here:

More of our research can be found here:
