Sunday, 8 March 2015

From Buckets to Rain Barrels - fundraising

An invitation design I helped create for a fundraising gala for "From Buckets to Rain Barrels" in Partnership with NGO TEMBO.

Would you like to attend?
The Gala in on April the 9th, and tickets cost $100. All proceeds go to funding the continuation of the "From Buckets to Rain Barrels" project and "Project TEMBO."

Register here:

What is From Buckets to Rain Barrels ?
   The challenging climate of the Longido District in Tanzania contributes to a chronic water shortage. Longido District lies just north of Arusha and west of the slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro, in the heart of the Maasai culture. This region has a dry savanna climate. The district experiences extended periods of severe drought alternating with heavy seasonal rains that cause excessive flooding. Villagers have almost no means to capture and divert rainwater for community use, resulting in a chronic water shortage. Because of this water shortage, there is very little production of food crops in the immediate region, resulting in high levels of food insecurity. 
   The region is in critical need of sustainable water harvesting solutions. Carleton students will work with community residents to design and deploy innovative solutions that will allow villagers to capture and conserve rainfall runoff, as well as access it in an efficient manner. Business students will contribute their expertise by designing a financially sustainable structure whereby community residents would be employed in ongoing production and distribution, while industrial design students will contribute their expertise in designing a creative infrastructure and user solution using locally available materials and technologies.

What is Project TEMBO?
Project TEMBO in Canada is the fundraising arm of TEMBO. It is also accountable to donors and the the Canadian Revenue Agency for the proper use of the funds. The charity focuses on creating micro-enterprises and educational opportunities for girls and women in Longido, Tanzania. 
While the Tanzanian government funds primary school education, secondary school tuition and all school expenses and fees must be paid for by families. For many people, providing an education for their children is a ‘luxury’ they simply cannot afford. The situation is similar for post-secondary studies. The Tanzanian government is able to provide very few scholarships or grants.


I'd love to see you there! 

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